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Do we really Care for Customers? Do we really Care for Customers? 3K  1
Author mks_krish  7 Feb 2006 09:30 Latest reply dezo110r  8 Feb 2006 03:59  »»
Need help how would I answer this question for a job appication? Need help how would I answer this question for a job appication? 3K  1
Author Jarrod06  28 Jan 2006 20:21 Latest reply billesch  31 Jan 2006 08:19  »»
Customer Service Positive Slogans Needed Customer Service Positive Slogans Needed 2.6K  0
Author riverbank  29 Jan 2006 03:46 —    
Sales Rep Support by Inbound Customer Service Sales Rep Support by Inbound Customer Service 3.6K  4
Author jcpncv  4 Nov 2005 10:28 Latest reply rsudarshan_sush1  28 Jan 2006 05:49  »»
why do we call "customer service is a strategy weapon" ? why do we call "customer service is a strategy weapon" ? 3.2K  2
Author batmanforever  8 Jan 2006 09:40 Latest reply feminiwo  28 Jan 2006 05:36  »»
Quality Assurance Analysts ratio Quality Assurance Analysts ratio 2.6K  0
Author ybermudez  19 Jan 2006 06:27 —    
Competitor Customers Competitor Customers 3.8K  0
Author sadams  12 Jan 2006 16:26 —    
Customer Satisfaction Vs. Service Revenue Customer Satisfaction Vs. Service Revenue 2.8K  0
Author mks_krish  9 Jan 2006 08:50 —    
Customer Responsiveness Feedback Customer Responsiveness Feedback 4.8K  3
Author mks_krish  24 Dec 2005 09:39 Latest reply mks_krish  7 Jan 2006 06:31  »»
New Customer Service Manager ! How do i  turn the bland customer service around? New Customer Service Manager ! How do i turn the bland customer service around? 3.4K  1
Author florry  4 Jan 2006 22:47 Latest reply surveywerks  6 Jan 2006 10:58  »»
Emapthy Models Emapthy Models 3.9K  0
Author kevbee  4 Jan 2006 05:38 —    
Performance Measurements Performance Measurements 4.2K  1
Author richardsonjlarry  21 Dec 2005 10:59 Latest reply BILMAR  29 Dec 2005 10:46  »»
Call Monitoring Forms Call Monitoring Forms 4.4K  1
Author smcintire  22 Dec 2005 12:37 Latest reply BILMAR  29 Dec 2005 10:40  »»
Customer Service Pledge Letters Customer Service Pledge Letters 3.4K  1
Author revelatn06  8 Dec 2005 06:45 Latest reply johnkemp  9 Dec 2005 06:13  »»
Establishing a customer service department Establishing a customer service department 3.9K  3
Author jd_60610  1 Nov 2005 08:27 Latest reply elapointe  8 Dec 2005 12:07  »»
CS team meber CS team meber 5K  4
Author martink  22 Nov 2005 14:54 Latest reply billesch  8 Dec 2005 05:54  »»
When is a Customer Service Manager appropriate? When is a Customer Service Manager appropriate? 3.4K  2
Author sderi  9 Nov 2005 14:38 Latest reply sadams  6 Dec 2005 20:45  »»
Customer care vs. generating revenue Customer care vs. generating revenue 3.2K  1
Author ed40xdn  1 Dec 2005 12:43 Latest reply johnkemp  2 Dec 2005 07:54  »»
Author jcurrens  29 Nov 2005 19:04 Latest reply jcurrens  1 Dec 2005 16:36  »»
How to win over clients despite stiff competition How to win over clients despite stiff competition 3.4K  2
Author clemento  28 Oct 2005 08:11 Latest reply sf2k  28 Nov 2005 10:23  »»
Live chat Live chat 4.6K  1
Author dinsan  17 Nov 2005 07:56 Latest reply sf2k  28 Nov 2005 09:57  »»
Generational Customer Service Generational Customer Service 4.2K  0
Author Lgironda  7 Nov 2005 16:31 —    
Average Salary/Policy Count Average Salary/Policy Count 3.6K  1
Author ec4245  1 Nov 2005 07:42 Latest reply Ian  1 Nov 2005 11:22  »»
customer Service issues customer Service issues 4.2K  0
Author shousebarklie  28 Oct 2005 06:09 —    
E-mail Correspondence Quality E-mail Correspondence Quality 4.2K  3
Author Dee  19 Oct 2005 15:27 Latest reply Dee  21 Oct 2005 06:35  »»

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