How do you answer when asked the question: “Does your Organization Make the Grade?”

Five Pillars of Sustaining Exceptional Service

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of a great service provider? Read on to find out more.

Client Service as a Competitive Advantage

If you were hauled you into a court of law and accused of being a ‘world class’ client service provider, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” Many times, unfortunately, their answer is, “Probably not.”

No Customer Service – No Sale

Have you ever left a store without buying what you went there for? Make sure it doesn’t happen at your store or business.

Ken Blanchard – Lunch with the Best Selling Author thumbnail

I met for lunch with Dr Ken Blanchard, best-selling author of “The One Minute Manager” and “Raving Fans”. It was a great opportunity to gain an insight into the mind of one of the world’s leading management thinkers..

Where Are Your Executive Offices?

Ed Horrell takes a close look at Oden Marketing And Design, a true leader in the Kindness Revolution.

Empowering Customer Service is Vital

Empowerment in customer service has never been more important. This article explores ways that you can empower your employees to provide even better service.

Complaints are Actually a Good Thing!

Nobody likes to get complaints. They make you question your judgment, they can ruin your day, and they almost always leave you in a bad mood. But what if I told you that complaints are actually a good thing?

Delivering Customer Service Training That Sticks

No customer service program is complete until it addresses the integration of these 5 components.

Are You Turning Raving Fans into Roving Fans?

Are you neglecting the human side and missing opportunities to connect with your most enthusiastic customers?

3 Special Benefits Every Customer Wants

Every customer looks for three special benefits when they do business with you.

What Are You Measuring Your Customer Service With?

7 things that make or break Excellent Customer Service Personnel.

The 5 W’s of World Class Customer Service Training

The interaction anyone has at any level with your employees gives a customer an opportunity to make a judgment about you and your company. Find out why world-class customer service training is critical.

Seven questions we should all ask to unravel what is required to deliver superior customer service.

Customers on Fire: How Good Is My Suit?

The only way to extinguish a fire that is burning brightly is to move towards it rather than away from it. Learn how Leonard Buchholz successful applied the theory to dealing with a ferocious customer.

By following these six steps you will be able to capture and act upon the “voice of the customer”, ensuring your business has the most important customer data at its fingertips at all times.

Make Customer Service Your First Priority

You can improve customer service by finding ways to meet most customer needs promptly – and providing some level of service even when you cannot meet their needs.

How to Improve Customer Service

Good service will bring the customer back. Superior service will give customers something to tell their family and friends. Here are ArLyne Diamond’s top tips for taking your customer service to another level.

You Better Know Who You’re Serving

Margo Chevers contrasts two very different customer service incidents that highlight the impact of service delivery.