As a manager, you always want to do your best to take care of your staff. However, you also want to encourage them to be more productive in the workplace. While it may be difficult at first, there are some techniques that you can introduce to motivate your employees to be more productive. Sound interesting? Then keep on reading!
Encourage regular breaks
While some individuals think that breaks waste time, it’s actually quite the opposite. In fact, taking frequent breaks has been proven to increase productivity as the body has a chance to relax and refuel. Staff also have the opportunity to eat, drink, and run errands improving their own health and wellbeing. Try to promote regular breaks in the workplace, and design a break room with all the necessary facilities.
Offer rewards
Great work should always be rewarded, and it also encourages other staff members to be productive. There are many employee rewards ideas, so you just have to find something that works well for your business. If you have the funds, you could consider offering cash or an early finish one afternoon.
Recognize their achievements
While rewards can be great, sometimes it’s not enough, and a simple gesture can mean more than money. As an employer, it’s essential to recognize your team’s achievements. Even a simple “thank you” or “well done” can make a huge difference and encourage others to be better. Try and find new ways to communicate with your staff, and if you own a large company, make time to visit the workers that make it all possible.
Provide clarity
One of the biggest mistakes that an employer or manager can make is not to provide enough clarity about tasks and situations. Not all workers are mind readers, so it’s vital that you communicate effectively. Try having a way for your team to contact you and encourage them to ask as many questions as possible. The more they learn, the more productive and efficient they will become.
Allow independence
While working as a group is excellent, if you want to motivate your team, sometimes it can be worthwhile giving each staff member a bit of freedom. Allow them to complete tasks on their own and aim to provide them with more responsibility as they grow. This is a great way to encourage them, as they don’t feel stuck in one role, and can be creative with their own ideas.
Make things easier with technology
Technology has changed significantly over the years, allowing us to improve the workplace and change it completely. If you’ve still got your staff completing masses of paperwork, try switching to an easier technology method. Not only will this save you money, but employees can get work done quicker and more efficiently.
Within a short amount of time, you should notice changes with your employees, and find more work being completed! It’s important to remember that what you give is what you get, so if you show respect, motivation, and understanding, your employees will return it back. Good luck and know that you’ve got this!