How to Create Engaging Customer Service Videos

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Customer service videos build brand equity by engaging customers and answering questions about minor issues. These videos free up time for you and your support team to focus on more pressing issues that may require more technical expertise to handle.

While video marketing could be part of a solid marketing strategy — and generate 49 percent more revenue than teams who don’t — videos are also a better way to pass across information that sticks.

Yes, you can answer customer inquiries or complaints manually, but 68 percent of consumers would rather watch videos than browse through articles or infographics to learn about products and services.

In this article, we would show you how to create engaging customer service videos that anticipate the needs of your customers.

1. Identify Common Customer Questions

Many customer service videos are often a two-way street, involving answers to straightforward questions. That said, your videos must be packed with value and straight-to-the-point.

When creating customer service videos, you must sort out the questions you intend to cover. Like many other businesses, having a customer service team that recognizes potential questions customers might ask is very useful.

That said, you can curate frequently asked questions from live chats, emails, or social media to get a clear idea of what you’re dealing with, then create your customer videos around them.

Take McDonald’s Canada for example, they allow their customers to ask their questions and curate them in a list. By using social media to source suggestions, they’re able to garner responses from their audience.

McDonalds social media

Source: WordPress

After collecting these questions, they use highly responsive videos to answer their customers in detail.

Interacting with your customers drives engagements to your brand and gives you an idea of what people might request. You can then create customer service videos that are insightful and short.

Keep in mind that your audience wants quick solutions to their problems. So, try not to deviate from the customer’s questions in the video.

2. Create A Simple Script And Revise Your Copy

The best customer service videos sound natural and effortless. They’re also conversational and easy to understand.

When writing your script, avoid using technical language or buzzwords that might alienate some viewers. You also want to avoid stating industry trends that will fade over time. This keeps your content evergreen and ensures that every customer understands your video without dealing with unfamiliar words or industry terms.

Rely on storytelling to convey your message that highlights the benefits of the products you offer. Regardless of what you want to pass across, keep the script simple and friendly to make the final video engaging.

Lastly, viewers need to know that you empathize with them through your videos. Thus, your video scripts must reflect these emotions but remain concise.

3. Use High-Quality Video Tools

Creating a high-quality customer service video requires time, resources, and some technical know-how to shoot and edit.

However, even with all these in place, you’ll need decent tools to make your video shine. Unless you’re a big company, with a budget to spare, now is not the time to splurge on expensive cameras and advanced editing tools like Adobe effect and Premiere Pro.

Start small, and work your way up.

Consider using simple, low-cost, and functional tools. Thankfully, a plethora of web video editing tools exist online that allow you to shoot and edit videos without advanced knowledge of video editing.

Of course, the tools you use will depend on the kind of customer videos you want to produce. For example, tools like Videoscribe helps with creating animated whiteboard videos, whereas Invideo allows you to create videos with existing content using thousands of free templates.

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These tools and many more online video marketing tools are low-cost options to consider when creating customer service videos.

4. Add A Suitable Audio And Include Subtitles

Everyone wants convenience. Just as it’s convenient to find and watch videos with excellent quality, adding good audio and subtitles dials it up a notch.


Source: YouTube

If you’ll be using your voice in the video, use a good mic to record a clear voice-over. For best results, make your recording with the intended audio to determine the pacing of your speech. You want to match it, not speak faster. Ensure your words are coherent, audible, and clear.

Avoid closed spaces like hallways as they could mess up acoustics and leave you with an echo in your recordings. If you didn’t record with audio initially, you could still salvage that by choosing background music that matches the pacing of your voice and video when editing.

Be careful though. You don’t want the music overshadowing what’s being said — it becomes counterproductive.

But as mentioned, subtitles are convenient and more engaging. Why? It accommodates and includes people with impaired hearing who might want to view your videos. Plus, others may just want to watch your videos at work without sound or might be in a noisy environment, and subtitles make that possible.

5. Ensure Your Video Gives Up To Date Information

When creating your videos, you want to make sure your content is evergreen. They should contain details that are accurate and recent information.

Every video you make should involve the recent features of your products — not outdated information. You don’t want customers looking for things that do not exist on your site anymore. Keeping your cornerstone content up to date when you create them is important.

Although product and services information may change regularly, it’s your job to keep your customer service video and written content updated to maintain your brand equity and avoid losing customers.

6. Add The Videos To Your Landing Pages And Blog Posts

Once you’re done editing your video, put it up on your site on landing pages and blog posts. Remember, the point is to create awareness within your audience and potential leads.

You can also post it on your social media platforms, to share it with as many people as possible. Alternatively, consider using an email tracker to notify your audience about videos you made to inform them about it.

It’s also best practice to optimize your customer service videos for SEO. You can do this by targeting certain keywords in your video scripts, and using alternative texts when embedding them on your site.

Like SEO in content marketing, these keywords help with searcher intent, describe your content properly, and also help with internet visibility.

With the right tools, you too can produce engaging customer videos. However, you don’t need to go ham on professional tools to create your first video. Go for easy-to-use, low-cost options online when starting out. Then weave your videos around well-curated, frequently asked questions to make them actionable and valuable,

Customer service videos deliver a superior customer experience by resolving minor customer issues effectively. When done properly, these videos can increase your brand’s authority in your niche. Focus on how you can help your customers with your content, and you’ll keep customers loyal to your brand.

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