10 Simple Steps to Stellar Customer Service

The good news is, it’s not hard to give great customer service. You simply have to be aware and make it a priority. Following are 10 tips to help you offer stellar customer service.

By using surveys with both quantitative and qualitative responses you will get a complete picture as to the true state of the customer experience.

Robert Killory examines the pitfalls of customer empowerment.

Here are 7 ways to keep your customers happy and turn them into your best advocates.

Six Steps to Understanding the Digital Customer

Richard McCrossan looks at how customer service managers can take six steps to truly understanding digital customers.

Here are 5 ways to significantly impact the customer experience on Black Friday.

It takes customer service and more for a small company to compete in today’s world of big box stores, and the same business strategies that will set a small company apart are valuable tools for a company of any size.

If you sincerely strive to “serve and protect” your customers, you will earn their trust and confidence. And over time, that translates into customer loyalty.

In the increasingly digitized consumer and business world, personal communications count for a lot.

3 Steps to Effective Customer Service Training

In this brief guide to customer service training, Ellen has broken the process down into three simple steps. Let’s jump right in.

The basic premise to creating a customer centric culture is to start on the inside, with the employees. In this article we’ll get started with a list of the basics.

Marketing and Customer Service: A Match Made in Heaven?

In the future, we could see an integration of Customer Service and Marketing operating under a single budget.

Some statistics on “complaint wait” – the shocking amount of time spent dealing with customer service failures.

It’s Customer Service Week in October—and if you’re all out of ideas, do not despair, here are some awesome themes and activities.

The benefits of a solid Customer Experience Program are huge but there are significant risks in “getting it wrong”. A sound roadmap will help “get it right”.

63% of businesses are prioritizing mobile in order to create a relevant customer dialogue that attracts the ever-online customer, but is it enough?

How to Own the Customer Service Conversation

Do you take responsibility for your communication? Do you really think about what you want to communicate before stating a single word? Or do you just state the first thing that comes to mind?

One of the best ways to increase customer satisfaction is to encourage your staff to proactively “Connect the Dots” for your customers.

As the debate about whether employees or customers come first rages, Bob Thompson gives us his view on the subject.