Customer service plays an extremely important role in business today. Good customer service can help businesses to attract and retain customers.
It is essential to support customers before, during and after making a purchase. Good communication and problem-solving are just some of the core skills in providing great customer service. These are skills that university students have to master if they want to do well. Here are some university skills that can lead to outstanding customer service.
Communication skills
Effective communication in verbal and written form is essential at university. Students are required to do orals and submit written assignments that count towards their grades. They need to speak and write clearly and concisely to put across their ideas and point of view.
Good communication skills are also necessary for all aspects of customer service. Customers need to feel confident that they are making the right purchase. They may need help with learning how to use a product or service. Troubleshooting errors or defects is another aspect of customer service that requires good communication skills. Many customers say that being able to answer questions efficiently is one of the most important skills employees can have.
Technical and math skills
Many technical degrees at university or college require mathematical skills. The math skills students need to use when getting an education and studying can stand them in good stead in their future careers. On the PlainMath website, they can find examples of mathematical questions and answers including differential calculus questions and answers and other complex domains. This can help them to learn how to approach a variety of different math problems and take the right approach to solve them. Complex things need the best resource so that you equip yourself to come out as a winner.
Problem-solving skills
Problem-solving skills are critical for students at university. They need to learn how to answer ‘what,’ ‘why,’ and ‘how.’ They have to identify a problem, find out what is known about the problem and why it exists and then go through a logical thought process to find out how to solve it.
The ability to solve problems is very important when it comes to providing good service. If a customer contacts a business with a problem, the employee has to figure out why it is happening and how to solve it. They will need to help the customer to resolve the problem and prevent it from happening again in the future.
When employees are familiar with technical knowledge and have math skills, they can help customers in a more useful way. For example, they can explain which purchase a customer should make, taking prices, models, product specs and features into account. They also need to understand the financial side of the business and the purchasing process if they want to help customers with payment problems.

Time management skills
Time management is often a critical skill for students who have to juggle many different responsibilities. They need to attend classes, study for exams and have deadlines for submitting assignments. Unless they learn how to manage their time efficiently, they won’t be able to achieve balance in their lives and may find the stress overwhelming.
Many customers will just abandon a purchase or take their business elsewhere if a business doesn’t respect their time. Quick response times are a priority for them today. It is easy to let an email lie in an inbox for a while or to put a customer on the back burner for a few minutes, but it could cost the company business.
Active listening skills
Active listening skills are important to students who have to attend classes. They can’t afford to be distracted and miss out on what educators have to say. Giving their undivided attention in class can help them to grasp concepts they may not understand when reading text alone.
Active listening skills are just as important when it comes to customer service. Employees can’t afford to be distracted when customers voice their concerns or jump in before they finish speaking. They need to listen to them in a way that makes them feel heard. The use of verbal cues, paraphrasing and seeking clarification by asking a question are all elements of active listening.
Good customer service improves the reputation of a business and its bottom line. Customers tend to spend more money when they are made to feel that they matter. Many customers factor in customer service when they decide whether to do business with a company. University students pick up many skills in the course of their education that translate well into customer service.
About the Author
Michael Stoddard writes for a reputed online agency that provides thesis and dissertation assistance to students. He has built a reputation for himself as a writer who knows the ins and outs of academic writing and can consistently produce outstanding results. One of the main things that help him achieve great results is his love to help students who lack writing skills.