Technology sometimes gets a bad reputation, especially in the business world. “My email inbox is too full!” complain many employees, with some companies believing it’s so damaging for efficiency and morale that internal emails are totally banned. But, is technology the monster it’s made out to be, or does it actually have a positive impact on business communication? We think it’s the latter…
Firstly, technology makes internal communication more efficient. Admittedly, it’d be great if we all got up from our desks to talk to our colleagues, but that’s rarely practical, or even possible! For one thing, we’re often so busy that it’s simply better to fire off a quick message, and it’s often preferable to communicate in writing when we’re sending files between computers (just so we know where things stand if someone didn’t quite hear us!). Moreover, using emails, internal chats and messaging helps us to keep tabs on our workloads, enables us to keep our colleague in the loops, and even enables us to collaborate with peers in different offices or those who work from home.
Secondly, technology helps us to say the things we’re too self-conscious to say. If you’ve ever done a good job at work but felt like it would be bragging to say so, you might find that technology can help to make a positive impact. For instance, the kind of add-ons that are available at http://upraise.io help to ensure that employees are praised in a timely manner when they’ve performed well, and that their performance reviews take place with relevance and context. So, technology can be really useful for cheering on quieter team members who don’t always get credit or recognition for their work – undoubtedly a positive impact!
Thirdly, technology allows for expedient business deals to happen. Gone are the days when employees had to venture to foreign countries to do business with customers and clients in far-flung destinations. Nowadays, technology allows us to exchange files over the internet in a matter of seconds, use video conferencing to conduct face to face meetings, and even sign business contracts using e-signature software. None of this would have been possible without technology, demonstrating the positive impact tech has had on business communication!
Finally, technology is allowing us to work from home. While this can blur the lines between work and play (and make it harder for some workers to ‘switch off’), it’s mostly a very good thing. For example, remote working facilitates a little more flexibility between our professional lives and our working lives, ensuring that we can make it to our child’s school performance while working from the dining room table later in the day. This is the kind of thing that makes employees more productive as they know they can achieve everything they want to do, boosting satisfaction and fostering loyalty to a company.
So, there are plenty of reasons to suggest that tech does have a positive impact on business communication!
About the Author
Debbie Fletcher is an enthusiastic, experienced writer who has written for a range of different magazines and news publications over the years. Graduating from City University London specialising in English Literature, Debbie’s passion for writing has since grown. She loves anything and everything technology, and exploring different cultures across the world. She’s currently looking towards starting her Masters in Comparative Literature in the next few years.