Team work is essential to any company who wants to succeed. Learn more in this article.
Teamwork is the sum of all the parts that creates an atmosphere of trust, respect, and a willingness to go the extra mile. It’s therefore important to hire people who are of the same mindset, worth ethic, and who can coordinate and combine their skills to achieve your goals.
In order to develop good team work in any company, it all begins at the top. The manager must invoke a sense of pride among the employees; offer praise when appropriate; respect each member of the team as an individual; and bring them together using good communication skills, as well as listening to their ideas individually and collectively.
As the team leader, it is incumbent upon you to ensure the goals are clear and understood; the responsibilities of each team member is delineated; involve them in the decision-making process; and afford them the opportunity to offer suggestions either individually or as a group. Conversely, it is also important not to single out any one person for contributions made as this may cause friction within the group. Emphasizing team spirit is the key; and being consistent as a leader is crucial. Here are some key responsibilities of a team leader.
- Team Planning
Staff scheduling, an essential part of Workforce Management (WFM) can be described as planning, organizing, and scheduling of human resources. Efficient staff schedules result in the proper distribution of staff resources over time to ensure that the team achieves its goals efficiently and effectively.
- Dealing with Problems
If problems arise, deal with them immediately. Keep all discussion confidential. Accept suggestions and recommendations; offer feedback, and always keep the team on track. Ensure they do not lose sight of the goals you’ve set; and encourage them every step of the way. Do not show favoritism to any one individual, buy certainly praise the individual for a job well done in a way that is not detrimental to the team nor makes them feel they’ve failed.
- Giving Instructions
Your ability to give directions is one of the most important characteristics of your leadership abilities. This is one of the most important parts of your job as you will spend a lot of your time as a leader asking people to do certain things, and then ensuring they are done correctly. You need to be able to give instructions and ensure the best result.
Clarity and precision are the most important things when giving instructions. This is because you must be able prevent mistakes and misunderstandings. Unclarified instructions can lead to confusion and your team needing clarification.
What Makes a Great Team Leader?
Every leader is unique. Some leaders are charismatic and loud, while others are calm and understated. Some leaders will work strictly to the letter, while others will be flexible and creative in their approach.
While leaders come in many forms and shapes, there are certain traits and features that unify them. Let’s look at the characteristics that make a leader, and the traits that you should have if you want to lead better.
- Responsible
Good leaders should be accountable. This means that they must be able take responsibility for what goes wrong, and be willing to take the blame when it does not go according to plan. This makes the team feel secure and free to do their best. They know that only one person will be there to protect their best interests.
- Knowledgeable
Good leaders should be well-informed. A leader should be able to recognize that no one is an expert. However, you must be familiar with the details of your industry and your job.
This is important because it means people will be able to turn to you if they have questions. This will allow you to fully understand every aspect of your business so you can see the big picture and assist your team seamlessly.
- Calm
A good leader must be calm. It means you don’t need to shout at subordinates and that you shouldn’t come across as anxious, scared, or stressed. Leaders are a good indicator of the mood in their team. The team will panic if you lose your leadership ability. You must not project your worry outwardly, even if you are worried.
- Passionate
A leader must be passionate about what they do. This means they must believe in their work and understand the “why” behind it.
This is crucial because passion and belief in your company can help you inspire others. You’ll just be doing the same thing over and over again, which will negatively affect your team.
Great team work can be accomplished, but it takes time. With so many personalities to deal with, once the common denominator which brings all of the individuals together is found, you will have a successful team. High-performing teams have a strong sense of unity and respect for one another. Every voice is heard and valued, resulting in greater collaboration and innovation.
As a leader it is up to you to direct; advise; comfort; challenge; instruct; and sometimes correct members of your team. If you are fair, respectful, and honest – the team members will trust and develop a great deal of respect for you; thus producing outstanding results.
About the Author
Ian Miller is Editor of Customer Service Manager Magazine – the leading resource and community for customer service professionals.