Capita Expands Partnership with Southern Water to Deliver New Customer Service Technology thumbnail

Capita today announces that it has signed a contract expansion with Southern Water to provide several new technology solutions to their existing customer service contract..

Pros and Cons of Chatbots: All You Need to Know About AI Chatbots thumbnail

Together with a comprehensive knowledgebase, many businesses are beginning to utilize chatbots. If you are still undecided, here are some of the main pros and cons of using chatbots for your business..

The Return of the ‘Roaring Twenties’ – Prepare to Capitalise on the Boom thumbnail

With shops, pubs and restaurants re-opening their doors, Rob Crutchington of Encoded shares his three-point checklist for businesses as they prepare to welcome back customers with a new-found confidence..

Create Customer Passion and Loyalty by Remembering and Using Your Customer’s Name thumbnail

Customer service expert and speaker John Tschohl outlines eleven key steps for successfully remembering and using your customers’ names to create memorable experiences, passion and loyalty..

Want to Improve Customer Experience? Improve the Agent Experience First thumbnail

As already-high customer expectations continue to evolve, businesses need to pivot rapidly to meet them. Contact center leaders need to get smart about how they deliver better customer experiences..

What’s Next For Contact Centres That Moved to the Cloud During the Pandemic? thumbnail

Tom Goodmanson, CEO at Calabrio, reveals recent research results and shares ideas on how to harness the next level of strategic potential for new and existing cloud-based contact centres..

Halfords Deploys 8×8 SecurePay Powered by PCI Pal

Halfords Deploys 8×8 SecurePay Powered by PCI Pal thumbnail

PCI Pal is delighted to have supported retailer Halfords in ensuring that all customer payments processed in its contact centre are handled securely and adhere to the requirements of the Payment Card Industry..

ControlUp Launches Work-From-Anywhere Platform to Maximize Productivity for Today’s Distributed Workforce thumbnail

ControlUp, the leader in digital experience monitoring and optimization, has announced the launch of its expanded ControlUp solution that includes visibility into local connectivity issues and physical endpoints..

Top Three Characteristics of a Connected Enterprise

Top Three Characteristics of a Connected Enterprise thumbnail

What does it mean to be a Connected Enterprise and does it really matter?  Ross Daniels at Calabrio believes it’s a great aspiration for all modern organisations and presents a unique opportunity..

Workbooks Adds Enhanced Data Quality Capabilities to Its CRM Suite thumbnail

Workbooks, the cloud-based CRM vendor, has launched Workbooks DQ (Data Quality), a powerful and flexible tool to drive data quality for improved data trust, decision making and more efficient processes..

4 Reasons Your Company Needs an Intranet

4 Reasons Your Company Needs an Intranet thumbnail

Some might think corporate intranet is dead, but this is further from the truth. More business organizations are still using this technology to bring people together and promote an effective working environment..

Connect Assist Launch First Sign Contact Centre Service thumbnail

The specialist contact centre provider Connect Assist has launched Sign Assist; UK’s first one-to-one signing service delivered by deaf native British Sign Language (BSL) users..

10 Practical Tips to Build an Actionable Customer Journey Map thumbnail

With customer journey mapping in place, brands can detect gaps in the service or product quality, see the opportunities for improvement, and establish tailored customer experiences..

What Exactly Is a VPN and Why Should I Use One? thumbnail

You may have heard the term VPN used by your IT department. You may have even used a VPN at home or while travelling. But what exactly is a VPN and why should you consider using one?

10 Tips to Gain Customer Loyalty for Your Ecommerce Business thumbnail

How do you turn one-time visitors into loyal customers and brand advocates? Here are ten tips to help you get visitors to your ecommerce site to love your brand and become loyal customers..

Customer Experience Disruptor Dixa Expands Operations in the US to Fix Broken Customer Service Market thumbnail

Dixa, the customer service innovator that has transformed the EMEA customer experience (CX) market, is continuing to strengthen its footprint in the US and its disruptive new perspective on customer experience..

How Can Financial Firms Learn to Be Loved?

How Can Financial Firms Learn to Be Loved? thumbnail

Some brands go beyond loyalty and seem to spark a genuine love affair with their customers. But who can honestly say they love their bank, mortgage broker or credit card provider? Yishay Trif shares his ethos..

Harnessing CCaaS and CRM Solutions: What’s the Missing Link?

Harnessing CCaaS and CRM Solutions: What’s the Missing Link? thumbnail

Richard Pinnington at Calabrio explores today’s complex contact centre ecosystem and comes up with a strategy to create a synchronised agent and user experience..

How to Think Like a Service Brand and Take the Lead

How to Think Like a Service Brand and Take the Lead thumbnail

Cierra Dobson, strategy director at design and technology agency, Rufus Leonard, explores how brands of all shapes and sizes can adopt the successful strategies of category-defining service brands to grow..