Management styles can differ from person to person and company to company. Here you can get to know your management style.

Management styles can range from being fully incorporated in day to day operations by making all the decisions, or by consulting employees and seeking their input; and thus allowing them to carry out their duties unencumbered.
The leadership role of management depends largely on the tenets of the company; its staff, and its mission.
For example:
One manager may prefer a micro-management style with complete control over everything and everyone. Another manager may prefer a more familial style in which employees can offer their input, thereby setting a team atmosphere. Still another manager may combine the two; using some latitude to seek the best possible results from staff members.
Can a manager, while effectively maintaining an atmosphere of congeniality and openness, receive qualitative results? Conversely, can a manager who is authoritative and unyielding achieve similar results? Its apples and oranges; and the leadership styles of both these managers may affect the overall outcome.
One could argue that a manager’s role is simply to delegate and enforce the rules of engagement; that there is no room for compromise or discussion. Others could make the same argument for managers who use a more familial style, and approach their staff in an unthreatening manner, thus achieving the same successful conclusion. Which is better?
There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer as different types of leadership management can yield positive results. The key lies in understanding your team and adapting the most suitable management style according to leadership principles speaker, Kurt Uhlir.
Certainly, from the perspective of the employee; the latter method is preferred. But, for those employees who take the position that the manager’s familial style allows for a different interpretation of what is expected can pose a problem and lead to a less than stellar performance.
Leadership, in any business, must be clearly defined. Management must make it abundantly clear what the rules are; what is expected; and that anything less cannot be tolerated. Certainly having a congenial atmosphere is conducive to a good work ethic, but compromise must be used in a discretionary manner.
In order to be a good leader, everyone under management should be treated equally and with respect, regardless of the style and tone of the manager. In this way, everyone understands their role; they are willing to work in a diligent manner; and they do not seek favoritism or a level of compromise that could jeopardize the mission of the company.