Hobbies aren’t just fun, they can also come with surprising benefits. Those who like to read would be glad to find out that reading books, especially literary fiction, can greatly enhance our empathy and understanding of other people’s beliefs. In this article, we’re going to share with you a brief list of productive hobbies you might want to take up yourself. These hobbies won’t just be enjoyable to you; they’ll be beneficial to your wallet too. You can thank us later!
1. Photography
These days, smartphones have become essentials in everyone’s pockets, and the cameras that come with today’s devices really pack some megapixels! Remember when we had to buy cameras separately? You probably already like to take the occasional selfie but why not go a little further? There are now websites and apps that pay for your photos and all you’ll have to do is to find out what they are looking for. Maybe you have them in your gallery already!
2. Baking
Nobody ever says no to a cookie…or a cupcake! During quarantine, a lot of people really got into the productive hobby of baking, from muffins to loaves, to even pizza dough. Don’t let this newfound pastime go to waste, after all, you can’t eat all those cookies by yourself! Offer some to your neighbors free to taste. Let them know that you are looking to start selling your baking creations and listen to those orders come ringing in!
3. Community Helper
Are you good at fixing something? Maybe you have a nifty knack for something that may probably sound strange to others but you really enjoy doing it. You can advertise your services and just see who comes asking for help. The sky’s the limit! One man in Japan has even managed to make money doing “nothing” or the simplest of tasks after being called at least 30,000 times!
4. Vlogging
It doesn’t matter what generation you belong to. Due to today’s technology, vlogging is one of those pastimes that have become possible for anyone to do quite effortlessly. Just received your Amazon order? Why not do an unboxing video so you can share your experience as well as give a short review of the product? Slowly trying to get back into shape? You can film yourself doing absolutely any exercise and upload it, no editing needed!
5. Writing
If you enjoy reading, there’s a very good chance that you might also like writing. According to Hootsuite’s report, there are 310 million internet users in the U.S. alone and that number means a great demand for content on the web. Even posts on social media need text, you know! You can try your hand at blogging and while this one hobby might not make money as fast as the others, the practice can only make perfect! You can also get hired on freelancing sites like Upwork. It doesn’t hurt to try. You never know, maybe the next great American novel is just sitting snugly in your mind palace waiting to be written by you!