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Suggestions of structuring a customer service department for a television/radio station

Author topcard44
#1 | Posted: 3 Jan 2007 09:37 
I have been asked by my company(Broadcasting Corporation of Bahamas) to create a customer service department. I am looking for suggestions on the best possible structure and components...

Author ayaree
#2 | Posted: 17 Jan 2007 20:22 
Topcard, this is really vague, so I don't know how useful I can be. So I'm going to try to answer in the "primordial."

I think of customer service as a process and as having a structure. Customer service is not built upon smiling faces or voices or even courteousness at the very bottom of it--these are all clothing on the body, or skin to protect the organs. Customer service, for me, is built on the handling of information. Everything flows from that.

So, I would build a structure of blocks. If a block is moved (the person is not there for any reason), there is a different block to take that place.
I think I have already preached elsewhere some of the things that I am known for, like cross-training: "everybody has something to contribute'; "x is looking forward to learning y from you"....

But to return to the smiling voice: it is a fact that a smile during speech over the phone can be "seen" thousands of miles away. But that's an "extra."

Author Braniac
#3 | Posted: 28 Mar 2007 04:19 
Hi topcard44 if you need some serious advice please contact me at
keith.hackett@odcsolutions.com - I am based in London and have 15 years+ experience in customer service consulting. I would be happy to share with you the building blocks of creating a CS department / strategy.
Keith Hackett
ODC Solutions

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 Suggestions of structuring a customer service department for a television/radio station

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