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Alternative Approach To Customer Service

Author tp8181
#1 | Posted: 18 Sep 2006 07:07 
I am trying to find ways that our customer service center can take a proactive approach to helping our users. I am looking for something that catches the eye of the user and provides a service/support level that isn't normally provided to EVERY user.
I am trying to do something like when you go to a retail store and you go in looking for a certain service and/or product then walk out with amazement of what happened or what was provided. Basically a "wow" factor.
If anyone has any ideas...please share. Thank you!!

Author mesinb737
#2 | Posted: 19 Sep 2006 18:34 
You may start thinking as a customer. When you enter to your shop/office/what ever your business is, ask your self what exactly you need to open your mouth saying "wow !!" It will help to describe what is needed. Then survey every customer's needs/wants by making conversation a lot with them, just be patient...what ever is needed, you're the one who knows best.

Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 Alternative Approach To Customer Service

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