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Patrick from Namibia

Author Patrickk
#1 | Posted: 1 Mar 2011 03:37 
Hi there, I am Patrick from Namibia working for one of Namibia's largest coorperative operating the agricultural industry. currently I am working on plans to open up the communication channels with our clients. how can I do that?

Author cdamouse
#2 | Posted: 10 Jul 2011 16:44 
You have a great idea, however, without PROPER customer service training for the employees, you won't get very far. MOST employees in CS are there for the paycheck. They don't care, and your clients know that by their voices. There are 5 different personalities in customer service, and only one is positive. But, the other 4 can be trained with the right trainer. I have been in CS for 33 yrs. and I can tell you that the companies that I have worked for, all do the same thing. There is no difference in the training, they claim they are innovative, and care about customers. But, they don't. they just want you to hire them, and show you how to make more money, not, how to keep the customers. Get the RIGHT training for you CS team, and the rest will fall into place. You won't have customers, without good customer service. Seriously, get online and look at all the training out there.. they are ALL the same just worded differently. I would be glad to help you, and help you identify the 5 different personalities.

Who's Who Customer Service Manager Forum / Who's Who /
 Patrick from Namibia

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