I have been in a customer support role for many years and wanted to share some of my experiences and the lessons learned. Here is a summary of the book ...
The Way You Make Me Feel Customers are thrilled by service which makes them feel important, if only for the moment. The Way You Make Me Feel is a collection of interactions which focus on the varying emotions that come into play as people provided and received service in every-day situations. It captures that fact that often there is a lack of alignment between what the provider of the service and the receiver of the service consider to be excellent. Prescriptions accompany each scenario to provide managers with ideas on how to improve the service offerings based on the lessons learned.
Please check it out at donnovansimon.net or at www.iuniverse.com[url=http://www.iuniverse.com/Bookstore/BookDetail.as px?BookId=SKU-00046243 9][/url]
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