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Greetings from UK

Author 1st parcel
#1 | Posted: 18 Mar 2006 01:18 
What a fantastic website - We are a Worldwide Parcel carrier and always send emails to our customers telling them "Who & When" parcel was accepted by - Our question: Can any body tell us how we word our emails to attract customers to new products, services as we feel a couple of lines could attract a unique visit for latest offers etc.

Author InstantReply
#2 | Posted: 27 Sep 2006 15:02 
Hello 1st parcel

I have just joined the website and saw your message quite late.

I hope you by now have solved your question by your self or I would give you my tips.

I donīt know how many customers you have and thereby how many emails you send.

With few emails and good knowledge on each of your customers, some sales training courses to your CSRīs would be appropiate.

With a large amount of emails and minor knowledge of your customers, it might be interesting to look into the CRM world combined with an email response management system that extracts information on the customer from the CRM and inserts related marketing material in the outgoing emails automatically.

If you have further questions I will be pleased to help you.

Martin Kragh
InstantReply, Denmark
"delivering tomorrows online customer service today"

Author robyeldham
#3 | Posted: 11 Oct 2006 05:15 
Our web consultants advsied us that the reserach shows that the one word in the title which increases e-mail opening if "free" - not surprising really!

rob yeldham

Who's Who Customer Service Manager Forum / Who's Who /
 Greetings from UK

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