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Customer Service Manager Forum

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why celebrate customer service week? why celebrate customer service week? 12.2K  9
Author lemacca  23 Sep 2006 22:16 Latest reply bimbola  30 Jan 2007 08:26  »»
Hello from Massachusetts! (U.S.) Hello from Massachusetts! (U.S.) 4.3K  3
Author heidik1725  15 Jan 2007 12:26 Latest reply cedennis  29 Jan 2007 08:20  »»
How do you Manage people's Attitude How do you Manage people's Attitude 10.9K  10
Author owemijones  16 Oct 2006 02:27 Latest reply owemijones  25 Jan 2007 02:37  »»
Sleepy/slouching Reps! Sleepy/slouching Reps! 5.2K  2
Author ishiver777  23 Jan 2007 13:40 Latest reply KarenSB  24 Jan 2007 07:00  »»
Customer satisfaction in a Collections environment Customer satisfaction in a Collections environment 2.4K  0
Author sayiecha  23 Jan 2007 09:57 —    
Logging Emails Logging Emails 5.6K  3
Author brianamato  15 Jan 2007 11:43 Latest reply Serge Markovich  22 Jan 2007 14:51  »»
suggestions for support materials: customer service video suggestions for support materials: customer service video 3.5K  2
Author kirklott  17 Jan 2007 16:02 Latest reply Michele Eby  18 Jan 2007 06:49  »»
Customer Relationship Manager - Mobile Phone Retailer/Telco Australia Customer Relationship Manager - Mobile Phone Retailer/Telco Australia 3.2K  3
Author aeagling  5 Dec 2006 21:45 Latest reply nonos232  17 Jan 2007 20:42  »»
Building a Customer Service Team from scratch Building a Customer Service Team from scratch 3.4K  2
Author jeanette  3 Jan 2007 10:30 Latest reply nonos232  17 Jan 2007 20:32  »»
Customer Satisfaction - Benchmark Figures Customer Satisfaction - Benchmark Figures 4.1K  4
Author naddydavis  15 Nov 2006 08:04 Latest reply ayaree  17 Jan 2007 19:40  »»
Greetings from Jamaica Greetings from Jamaica 3.5K  0
Author geisha  17 Jan 2007 15:02 —    
Customer Service Implimentation/Training Seminars Customer Service Implimentation/Training Seminars 3K  1
Author bbanfill  27 Dec 2006 11:26 Latest reply Michele Eby  17 Jan 2007 12:11  »»
I need to know how to tell these people what I think in a way as not to harm future business! I need to know how to tell these people what I think in a way as not to harm future business! 5K  2
Author Tech  14 Jan 2007 02:31 Latest reply Tech  15 Jan 2007 07:03  »»
Advice pls...  is my boss sidelining me or am i being cheated Advice pls... is my boss sidelining me or am i being cheated 2.9K  0
Author thresa75  21 Dec 2006 04:39 —    
Advice needed... Advice needed... 4.6K  0
Author michaly  16 Dec 2006 11:18 —    
Hi from Mexico Hi from Mexico 3.4K  0
Author mariopad  14 Dec 2006 14:28 —    
What is SAP? What is SAP? 5K  2
Author davicavida  30 Nov 2006 20:06 Latest reply esteneker  7 Dec 2006 00:30  »»
Greetings from Eschborn/Germany Greetings from Eschborn/Germany 2.2K  0
Author Petri1967  4 Dec 2006 13:50 —    
Greeting, Davic from Malaysia. Greeting, Davic from Malaysia. 2.2K  0
Author davicavida  30 Nov 2006 20:08 —    
Hi All Hi All 3.6K  0
Author taniyaaug16  30 Nov 2006 15:37 —    

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