One of our most important skills, both personally and professionally, is our ability to communicate.
When are 20 Dollars and a store manager’s ego more important than a decade of loyalty from a customer?
Ed Sykes reveals his customer service secrets for winning back customers, increasing customer satisfaction, and increasing your bottom line.
In today’s fast-changing and competitive environment, excellent customer service is essential for success. Here’s how to keep your customers – for life!
The well-known Russian Playwright Anton Checkhov once wrote “Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice”. Nothing could be truer when it comes to achieving efficiency in customer management.
Cumbersome systems can push your CSR’s over the edge when it comes to good service.
How to set our goal at seeking resolution versus arguing or trying to defend ourselves when dealing with disgruntled clients.
If you want your customers to be raving fans of your business, you must first be raving fans of your customers.
Learn how to turn customer complaints into an opportunity for your company to shine.
Jay Lipe shares his keys to delivering world-class customer service, namely: “The Three Pillars of Service Cool”.
Here are several ways you can make your sales process visible for your customers and give them the feeling of control that is so important to them.
Including these seven steps in your voicemail practice will increase your productivity and elevate your standing as a true customer service professional.
Joe España believes that the time, money and effort spent on gathering and analyzing customer satisfaction measures isn’t worth the economic payback.
Is the customer always right? How far should a company go to satisfy their clientele or customer base? Read this article to find out.
Find out the difference between satisfied customers and highly satisfied customers and the impact on your business.
The top 1% of businesses has a level of business courtesy others simply do not. In this article, Honorée Coder takes a close look at what separates the top 1% of business professionals, income-earners and producers from the other 99%.
Dennis Sommer provides 5 ways to dazzle your customer base and create customer loyalty.
Are you wrestling with cranky customers, low-vitality products, congested services, and an aching bottom line? You certainly don’t need to. Read on to learn more.
Here are the seven “Fs” that create the kind of customer service that is completely satisfying to every customer every time.