The way in which we gamble online has seen many changes in recent years. One of the best innovations has been the arrival of the Live Casinos and the unique customer service experience that live casinos offer players who flock to their sites to let off steam. Customer (or player, in this case) service provision is absolutely essential to creating a frictionless and truly enjoyable UX.
Treated optimally, a player can go online and have the kind of experience that is so close to the one they’d have at a land-based venue. A key part of this is the fact that there are live dealers that you can interact with. Just like in a bricks-and-mortar casino, there are dos and don’ts on how to behave towards a live dealer. So, in this article, we are putting ourselves in the customers’ virtual shoes to explore the Dos and Don’ts that they should follow when using an online casino platform and experiencing this online service.
Etiquette is as important online as it is in any venue. Following proper etiquette will see you regarded as a respectable customer and one that can be trusted to behave well at all times.
The accepted etiquette begins from the moment that you begin playing a live game. Don’t just join and remain quiet, that’s not good manners at all. Be polite and say hello to the dealer, mentioning ‘good luck’ is a good idea.
Being pleasant and courteous towards the live dealer will set a good atmosphere for the rest of the game. Be positive, never be negative as that won’t help you in your gameplay either.
Watch your language at all times, swearing at the dealer is not going to win you any friends is it? If you’ve already begun with a pleasant greeting, ensure that behavior is maintained. Even if a few poor results come along, stay calm and try not to come out with some abusive language towards the dealer.
It’s not a great way to behave whether you are playing online or down at your local casino. It is also likely to see action taken against you. In no way have you registered with a site only to lose your membership because of some angry outburst against a live dealer.
Don’t be disruptive in any way. This also applies to any other players who may be present. You wouldn’t appreciate it if another player began misbehaving and disrupting your concentration, so don’t do it yourself. Making loud noises or chatting too much isn’t acceptable behavior. The live dealer has a job to do and may have other players to look after. Therefore, don’t keep chatting to them and making their job difficult. The other players won’t exactly appreciate your behavior either.
Some Live Casinos give the player the opportunity to give the dealer a tip. If this is the situation, then do so to show your appreciation for all their hard work. This would be especially the case if you’ve just had a good win.
Ever heard of the saying ‘Don’t shoot the messenger’? Well, that can apply to live dealers too. They don’t have any control over the end result of a game. Yes, they deal the cards or spin the roulette wheel, but it’s all down to luck after that. Playing on a platform like this, you can experience all this for yourself.
They don’t choose what to give you, they’d soon be in trouble if that was the case. The online site would be too and soon lose their operating license. If therefore, you go through a bad patch and incur losses, don’t start complaining to the dealer about their actions.
Do ensure that you know the rules of the game that is being played. That’s especially the case if you have never played the game before. There are many variations of classic casino games, so you might not initially know how each game is played. You can always ask if unsure about something and there will be a list of the rules on the site.
Play within the rules at all times. Don’t try to cheat to get wins. No live dealer is going to appreciate that happening and action can be taken against you. Those who cheat do not remain members of online casinos for long once they are found out. Remember that the live dealer on your table will have been given training and any underhand playing you carry out is likely to be detected.
It is an idea to dress appropriately, even though you are playing online. It may be that the live dealer can see you, so put a little bit of effort into what you are wearing while playing.
It seems a common practice by online casinos that the live dealers they employ are often rather good-looking. They are well dressed and that’s just what you’d expect if you were playing at a land-based venue.
Don’t say anything suggestive to the live dealer. Also, ensure that you concentrate fully on the game that you are playing. To do otherwise can result in some costly mistakes being made.
It is advisable that when interacting with a live dealer, you do not share any information with them that is of a personal or sensitive nature. Live casino sessions can be recorded on occasion and streamed too. Protecting your privacy is always something that you should aim to do, especially when playing online.
Do not play at a live casino if you have been drinking far too much alcohol or any other substance. It won’t improve your chances of winning and will increase the chance of you saying something out of place to the dealer.
A great experience can be had at a Live Casino. You do need to know how to behave and hopefully an article such as this will help you achieve that. Be respectful at all times, play within the rules and create a good relationship with the dealer and other players. Then you can concentrate on having a good time playing.