One of the hottest topics in 2024 was AI and its influence on nearly every industry. While no one can truly comprehend the extent of the impact it will have, there is no doubt that AI and chatbots for customer support are being embraced by more and more companies.
Whether you run your own e-commerce platform or work for a payment processor that operates very similarly to a bank, you have likely implemented or thought about implementing AI into your customer service strategy. It can be a huge help, improve customer satisfaction and engagement, and enable you to work through questions faster and more efficiently. But for all the good that AI and chatbots offer in customer support, there are also challenges.
Here are a few of the problems that can pop up when implementing AI and chatbots for customer support.
Keeping Sensitive Data Safe and Secure
It doesn’t take much digging to find examples of small and large companies that have suffered data breaches. Having customer or client sensitive data hacked and stolen is a serious issue that can chip away at a company’s position and reputation. There may even be legal recourse involved in extreme cases.
Any company considering implementing AI and chatbots needs to ask: how will data be kept safe and secure? There needs to be a multi-layered approach so that if one failsafe is breached, other protections kick in.
Unfortunately, once a company suffers a major data breach or major hacking, it’s very difficult to win back the trust of customers. That’s usually a longer, more expensive, and more difficult process than just putting the proper safety measures in place to begin with.
One of the biggest data breaches of the past couple of decades was the 2013–2016 Yahoo breach, in which more than three billion user account records were compromised. Hackers were able to access passwords, phone numbers, email addresses, birth dates, and more. Yahoo wasn’t transparent about the scale of the breach at first, and it wasn’t until Verizon bought Yahoo in 2017 that the truth came out. Yahoo then faced 41 class-action lawsuits and paid out tens of millions in fines.
Implementing the System Too Fast
Another issue that companies can run into is implementing AI and chatbots too fast. It’s not a switch; you can’t just move from human customer support to AI chatbots overnight. Attempting to do so will be difficult for employees and customers, and it will lead to more issues. Instead, experts recommend a slow and gradual changeover.
There also needs to be a training period for employees. The goal isn’t always for AI to replace humans, but to streamline processes and, ideally, reduce their workload. Employees need to know how to use the software and the best way to integrate it into their daily tasks. AI still requires supervision and sometimes intervention.
Expecting Perfection from the Get-Go
When a new technology or software is introduced into a company, it is meant to provide benefits. Here’s the thing: technology doesn’t always react and perform as you may expect. There can be bugs and issues that pop up that you need to be on the lookout for. It’s best to expect these things so you see the process more realistically.
This highlights the importance of technical support. Who will be fixing the issues related to AI and chatbots? Remember, issues can pop up at any time, so technical support needs to be ready to respond. If your chatbot is available 24/7, technical support must also be available during those hours.
Implementing AI and Chatbots Isn’t Always Budget-Friendly
Speaking of being realistic, you also need to be aware of costs. Companies focus on the cost-savings that AI and chatbots can offer, but there is still an initial investment required. Before you even think about embracing it, it’s best to get some quotes and take a deep dive into the options available to the company. Remember that much of what AI and chatbots can do is personalized, so factor that into the overall cost.
Also know that it can take months, sometimes even years, to fully implement an AI and chatbot system. So, as you work on the budget, keep in mind that it won’t be up and running for a while.
Leaning Into AI and Chatbots Too Much
A mistake that companies occasionally make is relying on AI and chatbots too much. It’s easy to get excited about the technology and the applications it offers, but customers still need to be able to speak to a human if wanted. Human contact should never be completely eliminated.
Human contact is what helps give your company a face and helps to build trust and authority in the industry. If customers can’t speak to a human when needed, they can feel frustrated, angry, and even refuse to do business with the company in the future.
AI and Chatbots Can Be Game Changers, but Prepare for Hurdles
Looking at all the benefits that AI and chatbots offer to businesses, it’s easy to see why this trend is so popular. Chatbots can provide quick and simple answers, direct customers to the correct channels, streamline processes, and cut down on human error. At the same time, they can also create challenges that the company needs to be prepared for and ready to overcome.